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BURSTS transforms children's physical literacy in PE and bridges the school-home gap.

BURSTS inspires families with short, regular physical activity.

Encourages BURSTS of physical activity alongside free play, park trips, and bike/scooter rides.


  • Supports progress in PE for EVERY child
  • Direct impact on 4–7 year olds
  • Evidenced impact on targeted groups (Pupil Premium eligible, SEND, EHCP, Gender etc)
  • Raises the profile of PE at school and at home
  • Simple set up and instant access (no training required)
  • Support provided to set up, launch and celebrate achievements
  • Can be paid for using the PE & Sport Premium


Start your BURSTS journey today


Data and insights

  • Real time data on children's active learning minutes, progress in Fundamental Movement skills and awards
  • Data presented on a school, class and child level
  • Filterable data for key groups of learners such as Pupil Premium eligible, SEND and EHCP
BURSTS App simple set up
Simple to set up for both schools and the family
  • Automated set up of families using Wonde
  • Video explainers for staff, parents and children
  • Support for schools including a launch assembly and celebration tools to recognise key milestones 
Active learning PE, BURSTS app
Personalised experience


Guides children and carers through personalised and progressive activities and games:

  • Activity and active learning minutes
  • Positive learning behaviours
  • Achieving personal bests
Developing physical literacy Bursts Phone, Space Mission
Supports physical literacy
  • Age and stage appropriate progressive and thematic challenges
  • Supports children’s readiness and progress in PE
  • Fundamental Movement Skill focused
BURSTS augmented reality app (AR)
Gamified and interactive experience
  • Augmented reality (AR) to engage and guide
  • Unlocking of challenges and games
  • In app rewards and celebration

"…..FMS are best developed between 3 and 8 years old. Therefore, developing careful progression through Reception and primary school is vitally important. Once secure, FMS form the building blocks for more complex movement skills, which will be heavily relied on for successful participation in a variety of physical activities" Ofsted Research Review