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Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice: BURSTS Application

Create Development Limited (“Create Development”, “we”, "our" or “us”) registered in England and Wales under company number 6476863 is committed to protecting your privacy and takes it very seriously. This notice explains how Create Development may collect, use, or disclose personal data about you and, if you are a parent or guardian of a child who uses this app, your child’s personal data too. Any changes we make to this Privacy Notice in the future will be posted here.

Any personal information we collect and process within the BURSTS App and real PE will be processed in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK with reference number Z3294225.

For the purposes of data protection legislation, we are the controller for personal data associated the BURSTS app. We acknowledge that schools may act as separate controllers for any data the school processes for its own specific purposes. We acknowledge that schools may act as separate controllers for any data the school processes for its own specific purposes.


How to contact us

If you have any concerns or questions about this Privacy Notice please contact us at


The BURSTS Application

The BURSTS app has been created to help children take part in fun physical activity and develop their physical skills outside of school and enable parents and teachers to keep track of their activity and reward successes.

Schools that purchase the BURSTS app may contact parents to invite them to join, so their children can benefit from the app. Parents / legal guardians will receive an email with a unique ‘join code’ which they use to gain access to their BURSTS account.


The personal information BURSTS collects
  • Parent or guardian email address - provided by the school
  • Your unique join code, name and password
  • Your child’s nickname - provided by parent or guardian
  • App usage data - such as activity minutes, progress, rewards & badges


Data from schools

Schools hold certain information about children and their parent/guardian. When a parent/guardian creates an account in the BURSTS app, using their unique join code, we use a secure third party application (Wonde) to enable the school to share the relevant child and teacher details (below) with our own real PE platform. real PE connects securely with the BURSTS app using the student ID - enabling BURSTS app usage (activity) data to be passed to real PE and shared with the school. This enables each child’s activity to be celebrated by their school and support can be provided as appropriate.


The personal information provided by schools and processed by real PE
  • Parent or guardian email address from the school, and their unique join code
  • Child data from the school - such as name, class, gender, date of birth, nationality, ethnicity, SEND status, Pupil Premium status, EAL status and ECHP status
  • App usage data from BURSTS
  • School teacher’s name, email address, job title/role, class
  • School administrator’s username and email address

You may wish to read the real PE Privacy Policy.


How BURSTS app uses personal information

We may use personal information for the following purposes:



Lawful basis for processing

Contact details for the school purchaser and nominated BURSTS lead

To enable school representatives to purchase BURSTS and manage their account

For the performance of a contract or agreement

Parent/guardian email address & unique join code

To make initial contact with a parent/guardian to enable them to access the BURSTS app and to enable us to manage their account

For the performance of a contract or agreement

App usage data

To gather and share relevant data on a child’s exercise activity (such as minutes using the app, progress, badges and XP) with their teacher and school, so their activity can be celebrated and support can be provided as appropriate

With the consent of the child’s parent or guardian

Other child data (from schools)

We aggregate data via dashboards / reports to enable schools to identify the impact the BURSTS App is having on certain groups of students and to enable the school to provide any additional support required to those groups

For the performance of a contract or agreement; with the consent of the child’s parent or guardian


Only when necessary to provide IT maintenance and support to specific schools

For the performance of a contract or agreement

Statistical data

We use aggregated statistical data to review and evidence the impact of BURSTS and celebrate successes. We also use aggregated statistics to help us improve our applications and services for your benefit

With the consent of the child’s parent or guardian


How we protect your personal information

Any personal information collected in BURSTS is minimised and securely transferred to the real PE data platform. This is managed under written contract by Crystal Presentations Limited in Birmingham, England.

Personal information is protected from unauthorised access or disclosure using suitable physical, electronic, and managerial measures and controls. These controls include encryption, carefully restricted access controls or password protection.


Disclosure of personal information

We will not share your personal information with any third parties for them to use for their own marketing purposes.

real PE shares information about physical exercise activity, collected via the BURSTS app, with their teachers and the school, as shown in the table above. Whenever it is appropriate to do so, personal information will be minimised and aggregated so it can be viewed anonymously, for example, at class level, or at whole school level.

Before gathering a child’s information or sharing it with their school, we request the consent of the child’s parent or guardian.

We use service providers to host and operate the BURSTS app data services on our behalf. We have contractual arrangements in place with these providers, which include measures and safeguards to protect the data, in accordance with the requirements of UK GDPR. 

We may disclose your personal data, if required to do so by law.


Your rights regarding your personal data

You have a number of rights under UK data protection law:

These are as follows:

  • Right to be Informed: You have the right to be informed about how we handle your personal information. This Privacy Notice provides this information and we will always make this clearly accessible whenever we collect personal information from you.
  • Right of Access: You have the right to ask for a copy of the personal data we hold about you and the purposes for which we are using it. On receipt of such a request, we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible, at most within one calendar month.
  • Right to Rectification: You have the right to request that we amend any personal data which is incorrect or requires updating.
  • Right to Erasure: You have the right to request that we delete any personal information pertaining to you. We will assess any deletion request on a case by case basis and will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible, at most within one calendar month.
  • Right to Restriction: You have the right to request that we restrict or suppress your personal data, so we would only store it but not use it.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights or have any other query about your personal information or rights, please use the contact details at the top of this Privacy Notice. We’ll do our best to help. If you are unhappy with the way in which we have handled your personal data, you have the right to raise a complaint with the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office.


How long we store your personal data for

We will only retain personal data information as long as is necessary for the service we provide. If you are a parent or guardian and you would like us to delete your child’s details and exercise data, please mail us:


BURSTS Face Filters: use of your device camera

The BURSTS app makes use of the camera on your device to enable a child to use face filters, as part of the app rewards. Any images taken on your device are stored locally on your device and accessed solely by a parent/child to create a face filter in BURSTS. Images are never stored by BURSTS, nor shared with any other parties.

The use of face filters and the device camera is optional. Access to your camera can be disabled within the iOS/Android settings, if desired. Should you choose to disable the app’s access to the camera you will still be able to use the BURSTS app, but you will not be able to use the face filter rewards.


Updates to this Privacy Notice

We will review and update this Notice regularly to take account of changes to our processing and regulatory changes. We encourage you to review it from time to time. If we make any significant changes, we will endeavour to communicate this to you, where possible.