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Organisation FAQs

BURSTS directly aligns with the National Curriculum for PE at Key Stage 1 as it focuses on the development of children’s Fundamental Movement Skills (agility, balance, and coordination) through a mix of competitive (against self and others) and cooperative challenges and games. Its gamified nature means different levels of ability are catered for through the provision of increasingly challenging situations which children can unlock as their confidence and competence grow. The rewards and celebration milestones within BURSTS enable us to celebrate activity progress and achievement for EVERY child.

BURSTS directly aligns to the Prime Areas of the EYFS framework, specifically Physical Development:
By creating games and providing opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, adults can support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being.

BURSTS is directly aligned to the Curriculum for Wales, specifically within early education. Focusing on the Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience, BURSTS provides home learning opportunities to target the ‘What Matters’ statement: Developing physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits. At its heart, BURSTS provides engaging, progressive and age-appropriate challenges, games and rewards to develop Fundamental Movement Skills that support the development of physical literacy. The gamification of play and learning provides motivation for the child, allowing them to explore and develop their physical skills, confidence and resilience in their own way. The BURSTS dashboard helps schools track and celebrate milestones in activity progress and achievements for every child.

At the heart of both real PE and BURSTS is the vision to support the development of positive relationships with physical activity for life for EVERY child. 

BURSTS is a home Physical Education app that empowers children to continue the development of the National Curriculum aims through gamified and personalised challenge, aligning to the intent of real PE

The progressive challenges in BURSTS align directly to the Fundamental Movement Skills development sections within all core real PE lessons, with the reward games providing opportunities for children to reinforce and apply these skills. 

The XP points and rewards children receive through the app align to the multi-abilities within real PE. Brave (personal), Wise (cognitive), Helpful (social) and Imaginative (creative) behaviours are all recognised through the child’s engagement with the app. 

At a school level, a BURSTS dashboard will appear on your real PE platform, providing progress and achievements data at a child, class and school level, giving you insights that can support and inform the implementation of real PE

We have a variety of tools and options to help promote BURSTS to your schools including:

  • A simple eflyer you can share
  • A calendar of FREE webinars they can attend

Email to request details or to arrange a personalised event at a time that suits you, e.g. conference keynote or PE lead meeting.

Discounts on subscriptions are automatically added for 20+ schools at the point of purchase. Schools can be added to your account after this initial purchase but will do so at individual school prices.

BURSTS can be purchased by ANY school, regardless of real PE membership. You can select the schools from the lists provided (including all MATs), with prices automatically calculated and discounts added if purchased for 20+ schools.

Is the username and password for real PE member schools the same for BURSTS?
Yes. Schools can access their BURSTS dashboard using the same user name and password they use to login in to your real PE platform. They simply click on the BURSTS logo on the navigation bar once they have logged in. 

The school process is for individual schools. The organisation process is for organisations such as Multi Academy Trusts or Partners who are subscribing and paying on behalf of more than one school at a time.

Contact and we can add your organisation to the database for you. You can then add your schools to purchase.

BURSTS has been developed to be accessed by as many children aged 4-7 as possible. Each challenge has:

  • Alternative activity tips - ways of adapting a challenge if a child cannot access the activity.
  • I’m struggling tips - ways in which each activity can be simplified if a child is finding the activity too difficult.
  • Activity extension tips - ideas to make the activity more challenging if children need an extension.

As we develop BURSTS, we are committed to finding new and innovative ways to ensure it becomes as inclusive as possible.

BURSTS is working with Wonde to connect and synchronise the BURSTS dashboards with the information inside your schools' MIS (i.e., SIMS, Arbor).  

What are the benefits?
Having the Wonde connection means that schools will not have to manually update BURSTS with information such as teacher, pupil and class details. For example, when a new pupil arrives the changes to their MIS will be automatically updated, saving administration time. It also ensures data and insights provided are robust and accurate, including the breakdown of key groups such as Pupil Premium and SEN. 

About Wonde
Wonde is used by many of the leading edtech companies to connect and synchronise their software with the different MIS providers used by schools. Wonde is installed in over 25,500 schools across the UK and there is no cost to the school for this service. Wonde’s School Portal provides a protective layer between MIS and the applications used, ensuring data is safe, secure and always up to date.  

Next steps
For schools that already use Wonde for other third party applications: The Wonde administrator can log into their Wonde Portal to approve the connection to BURSTS 

What are the benefits?
Having the Wonde connection means that your schools will not have to manually update BURSTS with information such as teacher, pupil and class details.  For example, when a new pupil arrives the changes to the MIS will be automatically updated, saving administration time. It also ensures all the data and insights provided are robust and accurate, including the breakdown of key groups such as Pupil Premium and SEN. 

About Wonde
Wonde is used by many of the leading edtech companies to connect and synchronise their software with the different MIS providers used by schools. Wonde is installed in over 25,500 schools across the UK and there is no cost to the school for this service. Wonde’s School Portal provides a protective layer between their MIS and the applications they use, ensuring data is safe, secure and always up to date.  

Next steps 
The Wonde team will be in touch with your schools upon purchase to complete the connection. If the BURSTS lead does not have administrative access to their MIS (i.e., SIMS, Arbor) they simply forward the email to the relevant person, i.e., School Business Manager, Head Teacher or IT Contact.  

To use BURSTS, families will require an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet meeting the minimum specifications below:

    • iOS version 14 or newer
    • Android version 11 or newer

To support Augmented Reality (AR) mode:

  • To view Jasmine in AR mode, your device must support ARKit(Apple) or ARCore(Android). To identify whether your device supports these features, please refer to the device manufacturers website.
  • Make sure the room you are in is well lit.
  • Ensure the rear camera of the device you are using is not obscured and is functional.
  • Ensure you have a sufficient clear space for the AR mode (minimum 1m x 1m).
  • Ensure that you pan the camera slowly and fully around the space you wish to view AR Jasmine in to enable AR mode.

The admin contact is the person who sets up and arranges payment for the subscription of BURSTS. They will be the contact that is reminded when the annual subscription is due for renewal. In some schools that person will be different from the teacher (s) who is using BURSTS with their classes. The nominated admin person will be able to set up teachers with access to the platform.

Paying by credit card happens automatically and requires no manual input from our team. Some schools need the facility to pay by invoice, but this requires more input from our team, so we charge a small fee to cover the costs of this.

On the BURSTS website, you can login to your account (top right corner) to manage your schools subscriptions.

Schools will be reminded of their subscription renewal nearer the time. Access, data and insights are continuous, with schools able to update their class lists as required via the Wonde integration. They can also retain all of their progress that has been achieved so far.

We have started by developing BURSTS for children aged 4-7 years. At this stage we do not have a version for children aged above 7 years, but this may be something we will consider in the future. You will be the first to know! If you are looking for curriculum support, real PE does support all primary school aged children.