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BURSTS is a PE home learning app for children aged 4-7 years

Supporting children’s readiness and progress in PE

Active, healthy children achieve more!
  • Thematic and fun, BURSTS helps to ensure EVERY child is inspired to move, play and learn while developing their Fundamental Movement Skills.
  • Animated and augmented reality characters come to life to guide children and demonstrate activities.
  • Help and encouragement through tips and prompts builds confidence to play and be active.
BURSTS app in action with AR
"…..FMS are best developed between 3 and 8 years old. Therefore, developing careful progression through Reception and primary school is vitally important. Once secure, FMS form the building blocks for more complex movement skills, which will be heavily relied on for successful participation in a variety of physical activities" Ofsted Research Review

Why choose BURSTS?

BURSTS is the ONLY PE home learning app that equips families with exciting, meaningful, personalised physical activities to inspire their child to move, play and learn.
  • Supports progress in PE for EVERY child
  • Direct impact on 4–7 year olds
  • Evidenced impact on targeted groups (Pupil Premium eligible, SEND, EHCP, Gender etc)
  • Raises the profile of PE at school and at home
  • Simple set up and instant access (no training required)
  • Support provided to set up, launch and celebrate achievements
  • Can be paid for using the PE & Sport Premium

Supporting children's physical literacy and progress in PE.

Evidence impact and development in PE with BURSTS

BURSTS provides families with feedback on active learning minutes and progress, while a school dashboard will give real time feedback on every child’s active learning minutes, progress and rewards to show you are making a proven difference.

  • Increase and evidence active learning minutes out of school
  • Support and evidence progress in PE for EVERY child
  • Celebrate progress and achievement at an individual, class and school level
  • Raise the profile of PE at school and at home
  • Evidence the impact of investment
BURSTS | 60 minutes a day physical activity

Did you know…

56% of school age children don’t achieve the 60 minutes a day physical activity challenge (30 minutes at school, 30 minutes at home) according to the Active Lives Children and Young People Survey by Sport England.




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